Hey there Buddha, are you laughing at me or laughing with me?
No matter which, you seem to be saying, “Lighten up, Kat. Life’s not so serious. Laugh a little.”
Laughter is a good thing. Laughing at myself is one of the best things I’ve learned to do. When I get all serious and wrapped up in something, if I can take a step back and really look at it, I often see how absurd it all is. I laugh.
I didn’t learn this from myself, or some great spiritual teacher like Buddha. I learned it from a coworker who laughs at everything. He laughs at himself, he laughs at others, he laughs at nothing. A big, booming laugh. There is nothing malicious to it, just contagious. You can’t help but join in. And when the laughter starts from some little quirkiness of mine, well, all the better to show me how silly I sound.
Maybe laughter is the best medicine. I know that I have learned more perspective from learning to laugh at myself than almost anything else.
Lighten up, Kat. Life’s not so serious.
Apparently I was in need of some laughter and happiness today! These laughing Buddhas make me smile, but the idea that they have a message for me is even better. I feel lighter for writing this today. No deep or serious message for me today – just laughter. Thanks, Buddha.
What have you found in your Photo-Heart Connection for April? Deep messages, calming thoughts, or maybe some light hearted fun? Your heart knows what you need, and your photos help you make that connection. It’s always fun to see what emerges. I look forward to seeing yours!